Der har efterhånden været flere der har været sikre på at de havde det næste store, gutterne bag NWPAGE Li tror self på at deres nye tablet med Android er det næste store indenfor gaming.
En gang imellem falder vi over nogle ting der hvor vi bliver imponerede og bare vil have med det samme, og det er tilfældet med NWPAGE Li (mig Peter H).
Forestil dig en tablet med en 7″ skærm der er rooted. Det betyder at du kan slette alle de programmer du vil, samt skifte ROM, og det uden at ødelægge garantien. NWPAGE Li har sågar et gendannelsesværktøj hvis det skulle gå helt galt, og alt hvad du kan køre på en enhver anden Android smartphone/tablet, kan også køre på NWPAGE Li.
Specifikationerne er ikke noget at råbe hurra for, men det er dog absolut heller ikke det værste vi har set. Se specs herunder.
Pris og tilgængelighed er endnu ikke officielt.
“The PWNAGE Li features The PWNAGE MarketPlace Community, a Market Place to download free and pay games, apps, mods, etc. But is more than just a simple Market, its also a Community site as well. Here are some of the great features you’ll see!
-We’ve built a true community and have seperate profiles, mini-sites, and mini-site stores, for members, groups (Clans, clubs, guilds for gamers, etc.), and Developers.
-Members have their own profiles, wall, cloud storage, friends, internal email and can join groups, etc.
-Groups also have their own profile / mini-site, with forums, group chat, group storage, and a lot more.
-Developers have all the same as the members and groups but also has a mini store built into their page that is hooked into the main market.All members, groups, and developers have the following features too.
-Built in petition and voting systems. These can be put on groups, developer pages, or the main site or a combination of those.
-Communication system which includes chat, VoIP, and video.And that’s just what we can tell you so far! Another Update will be coming out in the next couple weeks that will highlight The PWNAGE Plaza MarketPlace Community! So makes sure to join our Newsletter, like our Facebook or Twitter and check back often to stay up to date!”
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